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BF3 1st Thoughts
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BF3 1st Thoughts
I got my copy of BF3 yesterday, got on about 10pm with Kev, now having played the beta i have to say Dice have fixed a lot of the problems but the main 2 things that i noticed was VoIP was temperamental but i do like that its now possible to hear and speak to the whole team or just your squad. The 2nd thing was lag, now abbi was on the net at the same time so i'm putting it down to that at the moment.
I had a bash in several vehicles and the jets although very hard to master are fucking awesome fun, the choppers feel very different to bc2 and take some getting used to, the tanks are just awesome.
The maps are just wow! There is one where on rush when the m-coms push up you have to parachute down 400mtrs with the defenders trying pick you off from the roof tops you are landing on.
All in all i only had about 6-7 games when the servers went down but i thoroughly enjoyed it and once the little things get fixed it will no doubt be the game of the year for me.
Overall the realism just feels so much more in comparison to bc2.
Can't wait get on again tonight!
I had a bash in several vehicles and the jets although very hard to master are fucking awesome fun, the choppers feel very different to bc2 and take some getting used to, the tanks are just awesome.
The maps are just wow! There is one where on rush when the m-coms push up you have to parachute down 400mtrs with the defenders trying pick you off from the roof tops you are landing on.
All in all i only had about 6-7 games when the servers went down but i thoroughly enjoyed it and once the little things get fixed it will no doubt be the game of the year for me.
Overall the realism just feels so much more in comparison to bc2.
Can't wait get on again tonight!
Re: BF3 1st Thoughts
I'm looking forward to getting a Kill/death ratio closer than 2 decimal places to a whole number.
While I agree that it does feel so much more real I think thats the stumbling block, there is way too much going on for me to figure out what the hell is going on. Sensory overload. And before I hear any "That's just what combat is liike man" comments, I'd like to counter with "No it facking aint". In the real world I move around with arms & legs & not a constantly vibrating control pad. I gain awareness of the environment using all 5 senses not just bonbarding 2 of them to the point of exhaustion. It's supposed to be a game, an enjoyable past-ime. Something I can participate in & interact with. If I want to experience the real world of 10,000 rounds expended for every battlefield casualty I'll re-enlist. I don't see it as an enjoyable past time. Unloading a whole mag into someone who is right in front of me & not getting a single hit & then getting shot in a split second starts to grate after a while.
The game engine does provide a realistic environment, i've done about 15 minutes on the campaign & it looks pretty good, though the story line seems to be indicating a big desire to invade Iran <rolls eyes>. The guns seem pretty authentic too i.e. I can shoot for shit but weirdly everyone else can.
Another bugbear & one that may be a lag issue is when moving forward every now & then I take a short step back for no reason. I also get fed up with getting stuck on scenery, being unable to move because theres a small piece of rubble on the floor that you can't often see.
To summarise it looks good but plays like a twat. (Insert your own reference to a footballer here because I don't know any)
I hurt my back last night & it put me in a bad mood. Does it show?
While I agree that it does feel so much more real I think thats the stumbling block, there is way too much going on for me to figure out what the hell is going on. Sensory overload. And before I hear any "That's just what combat is liike man" comments, I'd like to counter with "No it facking aint". In the real world I move around with arms & legs & not a constantly vibrating control pad. I gain awareness of the environment using all 5 senses not just bonbarding 2 of them to the point of exhaustion. It's supposed to be a game, an enjoyable past-ime. Something I can participate in & interact with. If I want to experience the real world of 10,000 rounds expended for every battlefield casualty I'll re-enlist. I don't see it as an enjoyable past time. Unloading a whole mag into someone who is right in front of me & not getting a single hit & then getting shot in a split second starts to grate after a while.
The game engine does provide a realistic environment, i've done about 15 minutes on the campaign & it looks pretty good, though the story line seems to be indicating a big desire to invade Iran <rolls eyes>. The guns seem pretty authentic too i.e. I can shoot for shit but weirdly everyone else can.
Another bugbear & one that may be a lag issue is when moving forward every now & then I take a short step back for no reason. I also get fed up with getting stuck on scenery, being unable to move because theres a small piece of rubble on the floor that you can't often see.
To summarise it looks good but plays like a twat. (Insert your own reference to a footballer here because I don't know any)
I hurt my back last night & it put me in a bad mood. Does it show?
taff_wob- Posts : 109
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Re: BF3 1st Thoughts
Lol. That is too funny. My experience so far has been Ok. I've enjoyed just getting back online after such a long break. I'm in a new room setup so I'm a bit off. My "gameroom" is now right next to Gabriel's room and I only have time to get on when he naps... which means I have to speak very softly. The VoiP is disappointing but I like the game. It is a bit overwhelming and I've been running around like an idiot when I just need to slow it down... stick with a squad... and you squad members need to slow it down too. If squads balance loadouts... spawn strategically as a team... then the can and will own. If it's just everyman for himself then forget about it. Getting used to the more obvious recoil... have some lag where I blast a mag into a guy and he doesn't get touched but that's to be expected in any game really. Overall... I have to say I like it... I like it a lot and look forward to playing more with the rest of you! Except for Jon... his "connection" won't allow him to stay in the game for more than 15 seconds but I think he won't admit that he gets distracted staring at the "grass" and then the game kicks him for inactivity.
Benny- Posts : 81
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Re: BF3 1st Thoughts
LOL @ Benny
my connection is much better - i think the downloading of the dogtags, the M1911 and map pack befoe I got on was a bit confusing for my router. I can actually stay in an entire game now.
There was loads of lag last night but I'm guessing its loads of people getting onto the game for the first time and maybe they are also downloading all the stuff that you get with it and the servers are overloaded. The upside is those that know BF will stick with it and the rest will go to MW3 in two weeks time!! Yipee!!
my connection is much better - i think the downloading of the dogtags, the M1911 and map pack befoe I got on was a bit confusing for my router. I can actually stay in an entire game now.
There was loads of lag last night but I'm guessing its loads of people getting onto the game for the first time and maybe they are also downloading all the stuff that you get with it and the servers are overloaded. The upside is those that know BF will stick with it and the rest will go to MW3 in two weeks time!! Yipee!!
LoneWolf3o7- Posts : 156
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Re: BF3 1st Thoughts
If the comms dont get sorted soon i'm not gonna be on too much, the broken comms are more annoying than no comms. I'm really dissapointed that Dice aren't even acknowledging this problem openly.
Re: BF3 1st Thoughts
No comms, constsnt spawnig into a hail of bullets/grenades/AT rockets, mini maglites that blind you in daylight, laser sights that blind you even if its only in your general direction (i.e. not directly in your retina) & a generally unplayable game. Sorry but this game is a shit pile of honking mess.
taff_wob- Posts : 109
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Re: BF3 1st Thoughts
well as you all know im not one to moan......but.....i am a little disappointed...
the flash light is real life you would still get shot, i cant see how having a flash light makes you bullet proof! every time i come across someone with a gay light, i cant shoot them! i miss! why oh why oh why must the developers put all these pointless gimmicks in? main issue for me is the guns, im sure they will sort it, but some are pointless, if you shoot more than 5 rounds the recoil on some is far to much, and if you burst fire, you either miss or get shot during the bursts! maps are great, no issues there...also it handles different to any other game...all cod games have a similar feel, this makes me feel awkward...bit like someone finding out you are a friend of jons, perhaps not as bad as sure we will all get used to it...comms need sorting asap
the flash light is real life you would still get shot, i cant see how having a flash light makes you bullet proof! every time i come across someone with a gay light, i cant shoot them! i miss! why oh why oh why must the developers put all these pointless gimmicks in? main issue for me is the guns, im sure they will sort it, but some are pointless, if you shoot more than 5 rounds the recoil on some is far to much, and if you burst fire, you either miss or get shot during the bursts! maps are great, no issues there...also it handles different to any other game...all cod games have a similar feel, this makes me feel awkward...bit like someone finding out you are a friend of jons, perhaps not as bad as sure we will all get used to it...comms need sorting asap
Re: BF3 1st Thoughts
I've had a reply about the voip issues...
Battlefield Battlefield
@jroo19 We are currently working on that issue and hope to fix it soon. Thanks for the support!! ^PH
Nov 20, 8:31 PM via HootSuite
Battlefield Battlefield
@jroo19 We are currently working on that issue and hope to fix it soon. Thanks for the support!! ^PH
Nov 20, 8:31 PM via HootSuite
Re: BF3 1st Thoughts
I also had a reply about comms. it went something like "We a....xing the pr......lem & it hasn't rui....our gami......perience too mu... Regards, D..........ker
taff_wob- Posts : 109
Points : 5180
Reputation : 2
Join date : 2010-10-25
Age : 54
Location : Itchen Abbas (near Winchester)
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